Art.1 Federation of Chemical Industry Workers' Unions and Energy Resources of the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter – Federation) – is the national trade union center-sectoral, non-commercial organization uniting on a voluntary basis primary trade unions and associations of employees in the energy, chemical industry , petrochemical, pharmaceutical, gas and other related branches, irrespective of organizational-legal forms and property.
Art.2 Federation is a legal person, has a stamp, seal and letterhead, logo, flag and other symbols, bank accounts, including currency.
In all languages will be FSCR utilazată logo.
Date of Federation is not limited in time. Federation activity extends throughout the country.
Federation is headquartered in Chisinau, str. 31 August, 129, zip code MD-2012 code. tax 209 577.
Article 3. In its work is guided by the Federation Constitution, Moldovan law, international law and the provisions of this Statute.
Article 4. Do not support any political party, electoral bloc or a candidate for any position within the public authorities and does not use any part of the income or property to finance them.
Art.5. The relations with the social partners Federation is founded on the principles of equal dialogue, independence and democracy.
Article 6 represents and defends the professional, social, economic and cultural interests of employees of member organizations in relations with state organs, courts, employers and their associations.
7 The Federation will work to achieve the following objectives:
- angajaţilor- enforcement of fundamental rights of union members laid down by legislation, collective labor contracts and agreements;
- conduct negotiations with the management of ministries and departments, with employers to enter into contracts and collective agreements, resolve any issues that fall within their competence;
- participation in developing normative acts and amendments related to trade union activity, the social, professional and economic union members;
- developing proposals to improve labor laws and other regulations with the objective exercise of labor rights, economic, social and cultural needs of union members;
- restoring the legitimate rights of trade union members in all cases in which they are found to have been infringed;
- legal aid member organizations of the Federation and all whom they represent in civil, economic or related to the relations and labor disputes in all respects;
- promote collaborative relationships with domestic and international trade union organizations devoted to national and international aspirations of democracy, social justice, freedom and peace;
Article 8. To achieve goals and objectives, the Federation will use the following means:
- negotiation and conclusion of agreements;
- interpellation any central state of negotiating with them and conduct in the case, in which his decisions contradict the legislation or statutory damages the legitimate rights of employees and member organizations of the Federation;
- notification of law on the actions of state bodies, businesses (commercial structures, businesses and public institutions), other legal entities and individuals in cases of violation by these trade union rights or profession;
- referral to international organizations, and where necessary to organize international solidarity actions in support of the Federation;
- International Labour Organization complaint if serious damage to the rights of union members and the Federation and non-compliance with international conventions and resolutions adopted by that organization and ratified by Moldova;
- referral to international organizations, where it infringes freedom of political, economic, social, civil, and in particular the trade union member organizations of the Federation;
- picketing, organizing meetings, demonstrations, strikes;
Federation members, RIGHTS
Bonds Responsibilities
Article 9 Members of the Federation may be the trade unions who have expressed a wish and undertakes to respect this status, avoid double affiliation.
Article 10 Membership of the Federation is based on a request in writing to the Executive Office of the Federation. Enclosing the decision of the senior management of the union, which decided to join.
11 The decision of affiliation shall be adopted by the Executive Office of the Federation.
Article 12 If the request was rejected by the Board, the union can appeal to the General Council or the Congress of the Federation Conference, whose decision is final.
13 Membership of the Federation is lost in the event of withdrawal, expulsion or liquidation of the Federation or of the primary trade union organization.
Art.14 member organizations may withdraw from the Federation, announcing their decision in writing at least 3 months before.
Art.15 Organization-members who take actions that contradict prvederile this Statute, may be excluded from the Federation.
Decision on exclusion adopted by a number of 2/3 of the votes of the members of the General Council of the Federation.
Organization ruled in the Federation has the right to appeal to Conference and Congress, whose judgment is final.
Art.16 Organization-member who retired or been excluded from the Federation, lose the right to refund membership fees and funds deposited to form the Federation heritage.
Article 17 member organizations of the Federation have the following rights:
- delegate representatives to the governing bodies of the Federation;
- use as established heritage Federation;
- participation in the development and discussion of general normative acts, other documents aimed at social and economic interests of union members;
- their free expression Federation at all levels;
- submission, by the Board, the General Council, Conference and Congress to draft documents and proposals on the activities of the Federation;
- seeking the help of the governing bodies of the Federation on protection of rights before state authorities, executive and courts.
18. The member organizations of the Federation shall:
- Staff comply Federation;
- to participate in the Federation and its governing bodies;
- carry out the decisions of governing bodies of the Federation;
- give rebuff unjustified attacks on the Federation, irrespective of the their provinienţa;
- pay monthly membership fee;
- to regularly inform the governing bodies of the Federation about its work and decisions of collegial bodies and submit statistical reports.
Art.19 not fulfilling their statutory obligations result in the following penalties:
- warning;
- temporary suspension of voting rights;
- exclusion from the Federation.
Article 20 Application of penalties:
- The bodies empowered to apply sanctions are: Executive Bureau (a, b) General Council (a, b, c).
- To challenge the sanction, organization-member may appeal to the superior court of the Federation.
Associate Members
21 The quality of associates can obtain trade unions that respects the Federation Statute and pay a cash contribution under the terms of the Protocol.
Article 22 Associate membership is acquired based on a request approved by the Board. Rights and obligations of shareholders are identical to those of the permanent members, except the right to be elected in the management and / or choose these organs.
Art.23 Conditions association, other than those referred to in Article 22, and its relations with the associations stated their is an agreement signed by the Executive and associated elective bodies of the union.
Art.24 The association ceases with full membership in the Federation, with the expiry of the deadline, and in case of withdrawal – after the written submission of the request the withdrawal of the association.
Governing bodies of the Federation are:
- Congress
- The conference,
- General Council
- Executive Office.
25 The Congress is the supreme governing body of the Federation. Congress is represented by delegates elected by organizations – members of the Federation according to the representation norm established by the General Council. The Congress participating members of the Board – President, Vice President (Vice) Federation, Chairman of the overhaul, President of the League of Women Advisory Council and President of the Federation Youth Organization, according to function.
The ordinary Congress convenes once every 5 years, and the extraordinary – according to your need.
The ordinary Congress shall be convened by the General Council on this, announcing the Federation subjects and Associate Members at least 60 days before work. Extraordinary Congress is convened at the request of the Executive Board or 1/3 of members of the Federation, pursuant to the decision of the General Council, at the latest within 30 days from the date of filing the Federation Secretariat.
Congress is deliberative if he were present 2/3 of the voting delegates.
Art.26 Congress adopt resolutions by a simple majority vote, except as provided in this Statute.
27 The Congress has the following main powers:
- adopt and, if necessary, amends the Statute of the Federation;
- approves the Regulation of organization and holding of the Congress;
- examines the work of the revision commission of the Federation and in the period between congresses and approve the activity reports;
- consider and make decisions on key issues for the Federation activity;
- and adopts special resolution;
- adopt fundamental resolutions of the Federation;
- decisions on the appeals, appeals Federation members;
- the delegation of powers granted to the General Council composed of representatives of the Federation management bodies, inter-national and international centers,
- decisions on reorganization or suspension Federation activity;
- sets standards of trade union membership dues breakdown Federation budget ;.
- Conference delegates the right to make changes in status.
28 The Congress elects:
- President of the Federation,
- Vice Federation
- General Council of the Federation,
- The Audit Commission of the Federation.
Article 29 For discussion of current issues which are outside the competence of the General Council and the Executive Council may convene the General Conference of the Federation.
Art.30 are attending delegates mandated by Federation members, according to rules and regulations established by the General Council. General Council members participated in conferences with full rights.
31. The Conference is considered deliberative if 2/3 of the delegates are present.
Article 32 Conference has the following main powers:
- Elaborates strategy during the forthcoming Federation;
- regulate and solve general problems;
- organized as necessary, partial elections in the governing bodies of the Federation;
- decisions on the appeals and complaints addressed to the Conference;
- Federation establishes principles of action to achieve unity trade union structures at all levels;
- Staff changes according to the authority delegated by Congress.
33 The General Council of the Federation ACTV lead throughout the period between congresses.
Article 34 The General Council is elected by the Congress of representatives of Federation members appointed by the primary trade union organizations in accordance with rules laid down by Congress.
General Council members are: President, Federation Vice-President of the League of Women Advisory Consiliuli, president of the youth organization of the Federation, according to function.
35 The council General shall hold an ordinary meeting convened by the Board once a year, and in extraordinary session – according to your need.
Extraordinary meeting may be called by the Board, President or 1/3 of the members of the General Council at least 10 days before work. The Council is deliberative if the meeting are present at least 2/3 of the members.
Extraordinary meetings shall be convened not later than 10 days after filing the application with the Secretariat.
36. The General Council has the following powers:
- working to achieve the objectives of the Statute and the resolutions adopted by Congress and lecture;
- coordinate primary to organizational;
- Approves the Rules of organization and functioning of the Federation;
- discuss and approve the reports and proposals concerning control over compliance Federation Statute and Regulations of activity of its bodies, information and proposals to overhaul;
- Congress and Conference convenes;
- establishes the representation of delegates to congresses and conferences;
- Conferences and Congresses propose draft rules and regulations necessary;
- decisions on the outbreak, conduct and termination of the strike;
- The program analyzes the claims and actions of the member organizations of the Federation and take decisions on how to address them;
- is, of its members, the Board, to coordinate and, if necessary, supplement it with new members.
Art.37 The Executive Board of the Federation solves current issues, ensures the Congress decisions, the Conference General Councils.
Art.38 The Executive Board is formed by the General Council.
According function Board members are:
- And Vice President of the Federation,
- President of the League of Women Advisory Consiliuli and President of the Federation Youth Organization;
39. The Executive Board meets in regular session not less than once every two months, and in the extraordinare- as needed. The meeting is deliberative if at present are at least 2/3 of the members of the Board.
Article 40 Decision of the Executive Board are adopted by majority vote.
Art.41 Executive Office coordinates the work of the Federation in the period between plenary meetings of the General Council has the following powers:
- coordinate the work of member organizations and provide them with legal assistance and ways and methods available forms, statutory support their work;
- distribute tasks among its members, taking into account the priority directions of activity of the Federation, established by Congress, Conference and General Council.
- establishes the structure of the machine operative Federation;
- consider and decide on the draft collective agreement;
- decisions on the applications for affiliation and withdrawing within its primary trade union organizations;
- Federation member organizations of the decisions annulled if they conflict with the Federation Statute;
- civil action unfolds in defending the Federation;
- General Council convenes;
- approved the estimate of income and expenditure on the activity of collegiate leadership of the Federation;
- develop investment programs, analyzing their implementation and submit them for approval to the General;
- take decisions necessary for hiring staff;
- approves salary scheme of personnel of the Federation;
- periodically review the work of the Federation;
- Generators inform the Council about its activities;
- resolves other issues provided for by the Rules of organization and operation approved by the General Council of the Federation;
- Federation determines the strategy in matters of international relations;
- Federation representatives to designate various departmental bodies, national and international trade union or professional guidance;
- controlling the implementation of decisions and resolutions of congresses, conferences, compliance with the Staff Federation.
Federation president
42 The Federation President is elected by the Congress.
Decision on election of the President shall be passed by a simple majority vote of the delegates to the Congress;
Dismissal and re-elected President of the Federation can perform Conference and the General Council if work circumstances provided for by law. The decision about dismissal of the President shall be adopted if it was voted by 2/3 of the members of the General Councils. Decision on election of the President shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes of the members of the General Council. At the request of the President, may adopt the decision to issue an executive office.
43. The President is the official Fedearţiei person invested with the following powers:
- represent the Federation in relations with state bodies of power and administration, national and international trade union organizations and other organizations and structures in the country and abroad;
- leads and coordinates the General Council and Executive Bureau;
- is the property interests of the Federation in accordance with decisions of the governing bodies of the Federation;
- employ staff under the employment scheme;
- make statements on behalf of the Federation;
- manages assets and funds of the Federation within its jurisdiction;
- submit proposals concerning the election and release of Vice (Vice) Federation;
- demands from member organizations all information necessary for determining the position and decision-making;
- approves bonds of the structural subdivisions of the device according to the Federation, other documents regulating the activity of the device;
- signs the decisions of the Congress, Conference, General Council, the Executive and the minutes;
- sign collective agreements at branch level, financial documents and statistics;
- issue provisions.
VICE (Vice)
44 Vice President (Vice) Federation exercise powers delegated by the governing bodies of the Federation and functions of the President in his absence.
The Audit Commission
Article 45 The Audit Commission is the control body in economic and financial matters and elect the following members of Congress:
- President;
- Vice-president;
- Secretary;
- 4 members.
46 The Audit Commission has the following main responsibilities:
- periodic checks and the necessary functions, financial and economic activity of the Federation structures;
- monitor and verify the implementation of the budget and how to manage the funds and property of the Federation;
- verifies the balance sheet of the Federation;
- Congress and Conference presents inspection reports, inform the General Council and Executive Bureau about the detected violations;
- Analog cooperate with the committees of the Federation members in union dues collection issues and regulating the relations between the accounting and the Federation;
- It operates its own regulation approved by Congress.
47. The elections are held according to the methodology and procedure established by the General Council.
Art.48 supervision of voting and counting is counting commission.
Article 49 The composition of the governing bodies of the Federation, the Federation can not be part:
- people who are employers, concluded a management contract with companies or part of companies' Boards of Directors, apart from those which have been mandated by the unions;
- persons who hold management positions in state or local government.
Affiliation of trade unions
Intersectoral National and International
Art.50 Federation union may affiliate bodies, inter-national and international.Affiliate Decision taken by the General Council;
Art.51 collaboration with other trade union organizations is possible to the extent that it does not violate principles of activity and does not infringe the autonomy of the Federation. Board may terminate membership in the National inter-trade union bodies and the international federation is affiliated if they do not honor their obligations or harming its interests.
52. The decision to withdraw from the trade union bodies inter-national and international-may be taken by the Conference or Congress. Shall be considered adopted if it gains 2/3 of the delegates elected.
53. Heritage Federation consists of movable and immovable property, funds and securities.
54 Heritage Federation is indivisible and is formed by:
- Heritage organizaţiilor- States;
- members' monthly contributions;
- donations from individuals and companies from home and abroad, sponsorship;
- as interest income from the allocation of the banks;
- breakdowns of revenues enterprises, organizations of trade union system;
- intrabugetară financing;
- other legal sources.
55. Contributions monthly membership is determined by the member organizations but not less than 1% of gross salary.
Pensioners who are not employed; and women who have interrupted temoporar work related to education and upbringing of children, are exempt from the registration fee and membership dues.
Art.56 Federation uses financial means to ensure the work under this Statute, mass cultural activities, physical culture and sports, international, administrative – economic and organizational rewarding union activities, material aid
according to Art.20 (r) of the Tax Code, intrabugetare funding, deductions from membership fees Confederation and the International Federation member National Federation which is, according to the estimate approved annually by the Board.
Art.57 The funds and assets Federation member organizations are administered by the trade unions executive, reporting to union members, annually and for the period of empowerment about their use.
Art.58 Federation and member organizations have the right to set up and financed institutions and companies, which correspond to the aims of its activity.
Art.59 Federation and member organizations may keep funds in banks, get dividends from bank deposits.
Art.60 Federation can establish charitable funds and other pooled funds that do not contradict the Statute.
61. Contributions union membership is available to the primary trade union organization, and some of them are distributed Federation.
Union membership dues breakdowns norms budgets are established by the Federation Federation Congress.
PRIMARY trade union
Art. 62. General.
1. economic unity of trade unions irrespective of their form of ownership (still trade union) meet employees based on free consent for the purpose of representation, social protection and achieve their professional rights and interests and socio-economic.
2. The primary trade union organization is founded on the initiative of at least 3 people considered founders. The decision to found the primary trade union organization is adopted by the assembly (conference) founders.
3. voluntary trade union organization affiliated Trade Union Federation enjoy the protection they assume the obligations under the Statute, it has the status of a legal person, bank account and its own seal.
4. trade union organization operates under the Staff Federation, legislation of the Republic of Moldova and recognized rules of international law relating to trade union rights.
5. The trade union organization in its work is independent of the management bodies of the enterprise versus state bodies, political and public organizations, not subordinate to them and builds relationships with them based on the principles of partnership and mutually advantageous cooperation.
Art.63. A member of the union
1.Calitatea union membership is voluntary. Receiving the union is individually upon request in writing. The decision on admission to union member union is adopted by the committee or labor union meeting.
2. Membership of the two union organizations that have their own statutes, is inadmissible.
3. Trade Union Membership is lost by transferring employees to another company (unit from another branch). The question of the termination of membership is considered by the trade union committee or union assembly and adopted by a simple majority of votes.
4. A member union may be expelled from the union for failing to fulfill statutory obligations systematic.
The question of exclusion will be examined by the Committee union or association and assembly are adopted by majority vote.
5. union members who never paid dues for three months, no longer enjoy the protection Syndicate will not be paid until the debt.
Art. 64. The rights and obligations.
1. Union members have the right:
- in any court to seek union help protect and fulfill the rights and professional interests;
- to attend at meetings and meetings of governing bodies of the trade union organization within which discusses issues related to their work;
- to discuss at meetings (conferences) union all matters related to union activity, present critics bodies, to expose and to defend open views;
- to submit candidates to elect and be elected in the management bodies of trade unions;
- benefit from providing legal and material from unions;
- to benefit from trade union protection in case of dismissal or threat of violation of their rights and social-economic work, provided the Collective Bargaining Agreement and (or) legislation;
- obtain all information on trade union activity and its management bodies;
- take advantage of a mutual ajutior house trade unions;
- solidarity fund to benefit from trade unions, participate in decisions concerning the use of these funds.
2. Union members are obliged:
- Staff comply Federation;
- to participate effectively in trade union activity, the work of trade union meetings;
- to execute the decisions of the meetings (conferences) and governing bodies, binding on all members of trade unions;
- to show solidarity with union members in defending their rights;
- pay monthly union membership fees;
- observe discipline and union democracy.
Art.65. The governing body of the union
1. The supreme leadership of the union is a general meeting (conference) of the trade union members.
Annually, in accordance with this Statute, union meetings are held report (conference) of the trade union and union committee after expiry of their powers – meetings (conferences) union account and choices.
Assembly (conference) is convened on the initiative or the initiative of the trade union committee of more than 1/3 of the members of the union.
Meeting or conference is convened as needed, but no less than once a year.
Assembly (conference) is deliberative if attended by the majority of union members or at least 2/3 of the delegates elected at the conference.
2. Delegates to the conference are elected in the manner established by the trade union committee, observing the principle of equal representation of union members from divisions based on their number.
3. Meeting (conference) have the right to settle any issue relating to trade union activity. The exclusive competence of the meeting (conference) take:
- empowering the Commission to negotiate the conclusion and signing collective bargaining;
- union committee election and revision commission;
- decision by a majority of 3/4 of the votes, the exit of the trade union federation;
- establishing priority in trade union activity;
- establishing the general structure of the trade union organization, problem solving within the organization on the creation of sections, committees and other structures to represent the professional interests of union members;
- decisions on collective bargaining with the employer in order to sign the collective labor agreement, the wording of the basic claims of trade unions in collective bargaining process;
- examining reports of employers or their representatives, on the implementation of collective agreement;
- adoption, as established by legislation, decisions on the deployment of protest measures or other actions in connection with failure to observe the collective labor agreement or other socio-economic circumstances;
- înainatrea steps organ with collective proposals related to trade union politics, issues related to collective bargaining at the branch and republican, conduct collective trade union actions;
- examination of reports and information on the activities of the trade union committee on social protection and fulfillment of the trade union proposals, of the report of the revision commission;
- establishing employment and salary scheme to union workers;
- approval of the union budget, examination reports of the union committee and the revision commission;
- Submission and choosing delegates to congresses and conferences Federation delegation composed of representatives of governing bodies of the Federation;
- creation of solidarity funds, the credit union of the trade union, examination reports about their work.
Art.66. The structure of trade union organization.
1. The trade union organizations at the enterprise, organizations and institutions that meet less than 20 union members are elected union organizers and their deputies. The trade unions, which received more than 20 union members, union committee is elected (united trade union committee) and the Audit Commission. The term empowerments union organizers and union committees is 5 years.
2. Within the trade union of the enterprise can operate trade union sector or union groups.
The departments which received more than 20 union members, union organizer and deputy are elected and which meet more than 20 union members choose union committee of the trade union section or office.
Sector organizations have the right of keeping records on the number of union members and conduct trade union activity within subdivisions. Trade unions are not legal ward.
3. Formation of the trade union committee:
- directly elect trade union committee at the meeting (conference) union by open vote (closed). How to vote and the number of members of the union committee is determined by the participants at the meeting (conference);
- the composition of the trade union can not be chosen by the management of the administrative apparatus people and workers who are part of the governing bodies of the company, irrespective of forms of property or persons representing the interests of the employer (owner).
4. The President of the union committee is elected by the members of the union committee composition directly from its members by open voting (secret). The election of committee members is set by the union.
The question of removal from office of the President of the union committee is discussed at the Committee meeting union. The decision about dismissal of the President shall be adopted if it was voted by 2/3 of the members of the union. The manner and conditions of remuneration of the Chairman union are set out in the Labour Code Art.390 RM (4).
5. The trade union committee is the executive body of the organization in the period between meetings (conferences), performed at the request of meetings (conferences) and in accordance with applicable law powers of the Federation in enterprise conduct legal right to trade union organization.
6. Trade Union Committee:
- organizes elaboration, discussion, conclusion and ensure compliance with the collective labor agreement for the enterprise;
- present in the Commission for Social Security in order to execute control over the correct calculation and timely payment of insurance claims;
- exercise public control over the observance of labor legislation protecting company workers;
- subject to state expertise of working conditions and labor protection workers undertaking;
- participating in research work accidents and occupational diseases from the enterprise, provides independent investigation of these cases;
- participate in the examination of labor disputes arising from breach of legislation, collective labor agreement conditions or modifying old ones;
- organizes and leads in accordance with legislation, collective actions of trade union members on the support of their claims;
- Participates in the development of the enterprise preventing unemployment among union members;
- properly adopted measures to protect the interests of dismissed workers – union members.
7. For his powers, the European employers' union may request any information that documentation characterizing the economic situation of the company, payment of labor settlements etc.
8. The Committee has the right to trade union officials, guilty of violation of labor legislation and labor protection rules, of default arising from the collective agreement or obstruction of union activity in the enterprise.
9. In order to ensure compliance Staff Trade Union Committee:
- keep track of union members, oversee the statutory requirements reception organization and loss of membership;
- systematically inform union members about his work, the work of the Federation, social and economic situation of the firm, branch, etc., proposals and claims about unions;
- According determined by union members on issues of mutual interest, informed members of the union point of view of trade unions on the issue via the media;
- organizes propaganda work in the working rights and the role of unions in defense of economic and professional interests of employees;
- the organization provided financial support means; taking into account the requirements of Article 20 (r) of the Tax Code and Rules on how material the assistance of union members.
- has assets and funds of the primary organization, operates and manages the buildings, rooms and cultural construction of social facilities;
- participate in various funds created by the Federation creates equity (the strike, solidarity, etc.);
- convene meeting (conference) trade-union activity organizing training;
- ensure fulfillment of their financial obligations within the Federation;
- organizing free legal advice and other help.
10. Sittings of the trade union committee of the union shall be convened as needed, but no less than once every two months. The meeting is deliberative if at least 2/3 of the members of the union. Trade Union Committee Decision be adopted by the majority if not otherwise provided by this Statute.
11. The Audit Commission is elected in the manner prescribed for the formation of the union committee or otherwise established by the meeting (conference) Association and operates in accordance with Regulation "On Audit Commission" adopted by the Congress of the Federation.
12. The Audit Commission:
- verify the implementation by the trade union committee of the decisions taken at the meeting (conference) general;
- check the fulfillment of the organization's budget, of the expenditure and the use of union assets;
- check record keeping and management, secretarial work;
- controls making timely and full payment of contributions by union members, the budget breakdown and property of the trade union federation;
- inform union members vis-à-vis the financial results of inspections, violations identified in the spending of funds, shortcomings in the work of the trade union committee.
The Audit Commission is entitled to request general meeting (conference) to discuss and adopt decisions on matters within its competence.
13. The trade association working under this Statute and its rules, adopted by the assembly (conference) and ratified by the Board of the Federation.According to Staff Federation, a trade association acquires legal rights and obligations, bank account and its own seal.
Art.67. The funds and property of the trade union.
1. funds of organizations consists of entrance fees and monthly breakdowns for cultural and athletic undertakings and other sources of sponsorship.
2. The monthly trade union organization breakdown of the contributions made by the Federation in the amount set by Congress. The other funds and those from other sources are used by the union for statutory purposes according to an estimate approved by the union.
Article 68. Termination of the trade union.
1. trade union activity may be terminated by decision of the meeting (conference) if it gains 3/4 of the number of union members (delegates) elected in connection with liquidation of the enterprise.
2. The trade union organization can not be dissolved or temporarily prohibited by administrative initiative or decision of employers (their representatives).
3. trade union activity does not cease in case of liquidation of which the Federation. In such cases the general meeting (conference) decision to join another union branch.
4. In case the funds of the trade union organization activities and assets are used for the purposes stipulated in the Statute of the Federation.
Art.69. The activity of the Federation may be terminated by the decision of Congress.
Congressional decision on liquidation or reorganization of the Federation shall be considered adopted if it gains 3/4 of the number of delegates participated in the voting provided there is a quorum.
If decision to eliminate Federation Congress called the liquidation committee, which prepares documents for sharing, transmitting or, if necessary, liquidation of assets Federation, as recommended by Congress and legislation.
Chapter XIV
Art.70. This Statute shall enter into force on the date of registration in accordance with legislation.
Art.71. The Federation has the right to develop regulations for indoor use, free to choose its representatives, to develop their own programs of action in accordance with the legislation in force.
72. Federation can edit their own newsletters.
Art.73. The right interpretation of the provisions of this Statute general and of particular articles belongs exclusively to the governing bodies of the Federation.