1. I was notice about reorganization of the company. I want to know if after the reorganization may be fired? Answer >>>
2. Employees who have left four years to establish old-age pension may have to maintain the right to work, where reducing the number or staffing? Answer >>>
3. While I was partially paid leave for child care, the working structure was reorganized. Currently, I am in additional unpaid leave. In this case the employer is obliged to offer me a job to drive? Answer >>>
4. To delay the service I got with the first quarterly deprivation. I want to know if my employer has the right to apply such sanctions? Answer >>>
5. In case of coincidence, during illness or not it includes the duration of annual leave? Answer >>>
6. In addition to my basic work, meet the extra work in another position without being exempt from the basic work. What is the maximum amount of wages supplements in such a case? Answer >>>
7. I would like to know if or when reducing the number of staff needed to be reduced all vacancies, even if they are necessary. Answer >>>
8. I work as an accountant. Two weeks ago, my father became ill and needed someone to take care of him. Since the program is eight hours, I do not quite succeed. I could somehow work more than eight hours a day? Answer >>>
9. I applied for leave without maintaining the salary for a period of two weeks, for family reasons, but we were refused on the grounds that the employer has no such obligation. In that case grant leave without maintaining the salary is obligatory for the employer? Answer >>>
10. Now a year and a half, I went on leave for child care until the age of three years. In connection with the family's financial situation, I decided to go back to work. I want to know if they cease to receive the payment for child care when I return to work. Answer >>>
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